Sunday, June 30, 2019

Culture - Drinking Water

In this historic European heat wave, one thing has been on our minds: water. In the United States, water is found free in several places. Drinking water is included at most restaurants and bubblers line public areas. Many people drink straight from the tap when they just want a quick swig of water. Here in Italy, however, the only free water available is from the numerous water fountains dispersed around the city. Many people drink either straight from these fountains or from bottled water when out and about. At restaurants, water is not free because it comes bottled. 

In the US, water is found in many places for free. Accessibility to clean drinking water is generally seen as a right of the people (except for places like Flint, Michigan I guess). In Italy, water is seen as more of a luxury. Carbonated water is often the same price as still water, and many times only a few cents or a Euro cheaper than a soda. These cultural differences could be attributed to the availability of water. The United States is spread out geographically, so many cities have independent drinking supplies. In many places in Italy, water must be imported from more rural areas. 

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