Saturday, June 29, 2019

European Culture

Rome was an overall good experience. A cultural difference that I saw that was the traffic. In Rome, there are not a lot of dashed lines in the road so people would drive wherever they wanted. Also, it is not typical to see mopeds weaving in and out of parked traffic in Wisconsin so I thought that was interesting. Also, it was often typical to hear a lot of honking which is not exactly heard in Wisconsin in most places.


  1. Exactly! I wonder if accidents are more common or relatively the same.

  2. Yeah it’s a very hectic atmosphere. You really have to look both ways so you don’t miss a moped flying past you.

  3. The streets here are still so busy and dangerous even though most of the cars are 1/3 the size of most cars in the US.

  4. Allyson, I’ve been wondering the same thing. I’m interested in looking at the statistics comparing accident rates (specifically pedestrian-vehicle accidents) in America to those in the cities we’ve been in. I would expect it to be worse here.

  5. People should also park their cars wherever they could. The median of some roads was a parking lot. As was the hashed spaces of 2 roads diverging


Bern History Museum

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