Friday, July 5, 2019


Prior to the trip, I did not know what CERN was because I am not a huge math and science person. I thought that the facility contained a ton of information and it was easy for me to follow along with all the displays and understand what they were talking about. CERN is the acronym for European Organization for Nuclear Research and it has the worlds biggest (high energy) physics lab. I learned about the different accelerators, what countries are a part of CERN, and what CERN’s goals are. Their goals are to uncover what makes up the universe and how how the universe works. 


  1. I also didn’t have a lot of physics background prior to the trip, but I feel like the text was written to be very easily understandable and it was nice they included lots of audio and visual examples too!

  2. Even though I do have a math and physics background some of the information there is crazy complex to understand. But I agree that they did a great job of displaying and explaining the scientific ideas so that non-physicists could understand them.


Bern History Museum

The Bern Historical museum is an amazing building, built after the style of 18th century castles. at the fountain before the gate to the gro...