Friday, July 5, 2019


While at CERN, I learned a lot about the experiments that are conducted there. Before visiting CERN, I knew that particles were accelerated to very high speeds and smashed into each other. I did not know that there are actually four major detectors of these collisions. I learned that, in order to prove the existence of a new particle, both the ATLAS and CMS detectors need to detect the particle. Both ATLAS and CMS detect the presence of particles using different methods. Having two detectors that have different detection technologies ensures that the particle wasn't a fluke if it was detected in both detectors. The other two major detectors are ALICE and LHCb which are more specialized than the ATLAS and CMS detectors.


  1. I always thought that each detector was used for a different purpose, and not to prove the validity of another detector. And I wonder how the other two detectors are more specialized than the others. Why not just have all four of them be specialized.

  2. I like that you pointed out the different detectors is one of the main differences in each experiment. I also found learning about the different experiments was fascinating.


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