The History of Science Museum was very interesting and contained a wide variety of items as any museum with such a broad topic would. Our tour included visuals that I would not expect, including Portugal's flag (for it's armillary sphere in the background) and a tool for measuring the color of the sky. The end of the tour included fun demonstrations using electricity, including creating a human chain and sending a mild shock through all of us. Our guide explained that when scientists were first discovering how to manipulate electrons (called "charges" back then), none of them had any real idea of the revolutionary purpose that it would ultimately have. Alessandro Volta created the first battery and only really thought it was an interesting scientific feat, not something that would become revolutionary in it's practicality. I loved looking at the machines that created sparks and shocks used to entertain at parties, since science was fascinating and only the rich were privy to it. It's incredible to look at how times have changed and how much we rely on the electricity that we gained from the scientists who were simply exploring for the sake of knowledge.

Wimshurst machine: creates sparks between two wands when a handle is cranked
Here is a demonstration and explanation:
One of Alessandro Volta's first batteries.
Learning about the electricity was awesome! If we didn’t have electricity today there would be a completely different atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteI found it real interesting to learn about the battery and electricity in general! I thought it was interesting that electricity was seen as entertainment or a party trick. Little did they know that electricity would have a huge impact on today’s day and age.
ReplyDeleteI also found that learning about electricity was interesting. It's interesting to see how they used it back then and how we use it now. Now, as said by all of you electricity is used a lot in our daily lives, but was used for entertainment back then. It is kind of like how Marie Curie and her husband didn't know that radiation is harmful to the body. Over time people learned more about the radiation, just like electricity.