Saturday, June 29, 2019


For our SREF free day, I went and visited the last Alchemists magic door. I learned that the 5 doors were built for the use of transmutating materials into gold. This particular door in the piazza Vittorio was built after a legend. The legend was that a famed alchemist Giustiniano Bono was searching in a nearby garden for a herb, Needed to perform the transmutation. After that night that he went searching for the herb, he was no longer seen and a gold leaf was found on the magic door. I also learned that on the door, the ingredients needed for a successful transmutation are subscribed on the door.


  1. I think it is crazy that people used to believe in alchemy, when now we know that it is just chemistry. I am amazed by how much our medicine and science has progressed. I wonder if any of our medical practices today are not real, a modern day equivalent to alchemy essentially.

  2. Even though we now know that alot of the alchemy methods and recipies are not true, the people that practiced it were some of the first people to practice "chemistry".

  3. I like to wonder what alchemists would think of modern chemistry/physics. After the height of alchemy, we actually discovered legitimate changes from one element to another (by radioactive decay, fission, or fusion). It is far from what the alchemists desired, but not as far away from what some might have thought.


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