Wednesday, July 3, 2019


As a chemistry major attending CERN I did not know much besides the basics that I have learned from others on this trip. So, today I learned a lot about particle accelerators and all the fascinating experiments conducted at CERN. One thing I found very interesting was that the invention of web was created at CERN for particle physicist to share data with other researchers. Going into CERN I was fully expecting the nuclear research and the different experiments that lead to how the world works, but not the world wide web. It is interesting that something that is as very common as the web was originally created for scientists to share their data. 


  1. Yeah I found that interesting as well. I always thought that the World Wide Web was created for military purposes, and for solely information sharing.

  2. I also found that interesting. I never knew the world wide web was created for this purpose as well.


Bern History Museum

The Bern Historical museum is an amazing building, built after the style of 18th century castles. at the fountain before the gate to the gro...