Wednesday, July 3, 2019


    One thing I learned at CERN was that particle accelerators relate the E=mc2 equation. The particles are sped up to move fast enough so that they don’t break down right away and can be seen. This means the mass can be found. At CERN they’re currently running five different experiments. One of the experiments I read about weights about 14000 tons which is equivalent to two Eiffel towers. I was amazed that so much is being done and the vast majority of people don’t get the chance to see it. The expanse of CERN is amazing we don’t even get the chance to see it as it is all underground and they don’t let people down in the workspaces for obvious reasons. I just think the magnitude is amazing and I’m glad I had the opportunity to visit.


  1. The size and mass of the detectors that CERN uses is crazy. I'm impressed by the size of CERN's detectors, they are an engineering marvel. I think it is really cool that there are massive detectors, and a massive circle, underground that is barely noticeable if you don't know it is there.

  2. Yes I was also amazed by all the work and discoveries they have made.

  3. It’s been really cool learning about just how much Einstein’s discovery of E = mc^2 has contributed to science. I knew this was a famous equation, but I had no idea that it had such an impact on modern science and the invention of tools such as particle accelerators.

  4. It’s crazy to see that small equation could do so much, especially at CERN. There are many experiments being conducted at CERN that are life changing. Who knew something so little could do something so big.


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