Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Musuem of Einstein

During our day trip to Bern, we visited the musuem of Einstein. It had other stuff in it but was many focused on his life time, and anything and everything that pertained to his life. I found something interesting in that musuem that stood out more than anything. It was alittle plaque that stated that Einstein was very opposed to the creation and use of the atomic bomb. He held protests against his creation, which i found interesting, because i think he realized the power behind his work, and the potiental dangerous consequences of using the bomb.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was interesting too. I think there was a TIME Magazine cover in the museum that had a picture of Einstein and his famous equation over an atom bomb explosion, and the article basically blamed him for the creation of the atomic bomb even though he was adamantly opposed to its creation.


Bern History Museum

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