Tuesday, July 9, 2019

History of Science Museum- the battery

Something I learned at the History of Science Museum in Geneva is how the first battery was made. It was made with zinc/copper with sulfuric acid mixed with water. In my head, I wouldve thought that the first battery would be made for things like electricity for houses, cars, etc. But I learned that this battery was often used for entertainment purposes as well as a gift for other people.


  1. I mean if you payed attention in my presentation, you would of learned this, but yeah the tour guide talked more about Volta's pile and what all had to be done for it to be created.

  2. I mean, if you *paid* attention in English class, you would *have* learned proper spelling and grammar.
    Anyway, I also find it interesting that the first battery was created with basically no purpose in mind, it was primarily just entertainment. I would have expected that to be a more intentional invention.

  3. I also enjoyed that museum for the fun electricity presentation. How could I not, we all got shocked it was so good. Another aspect of that museum was the experimental equipment that recorded the mass of electrons at different velocities that validated Einstein's theory around the equation E=mc^2.


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